Radio Free Abattoir 6.20 - December 08, 2005 / RFA DJ: SamSam

Audio Archive

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RFA 6.20 showcases many of the artists on our digital download service
& also celebrates Attrition's 25th anniversary!

We love you, Attrition!!!! Thank you for the music! And don't stop 'til you die.

Download MP3s from Attrition
(All songs will play randomly.)  
Attrition: Acid Tongue <<Buy MP3!>> UK
Attrition: Lip Sync (Xenophobia Edit) <<Buy MP3!>> UK
Attrition: Atomizer (Custom Mother) <<Buy MP3!>> UK
Attrition: Kill the Poor (Dr. Speedlove Dub) <<Buy MP3!>> UK
Attrition: Pendulum Turns <<Buy MP3!>> UK
Attrition: A Girl Called Harmony <<Buy MP3!>> UK
Aghast View: Timeless (Tim Schuldt Remix) <<Buy MP3!>> BR
Alice's Wonder: Empowerment <<Buy MP3!>> US/FL
Avoidance of Doubt: Jesus Wept <<Buy MP3!>> UK
Bloodwire: Absence <<Buy MP3!>> US/CA
Collapse into Reason: The Empty Set <<Buy MP3!>> US/NY
The Cruxshadows: Deception <<Buy MP3!>> US/FL
Dance Planet X: Silent Night <<Buy MP3!>> US/FL
Deathwatch Beetle Repairman: King of the Rooks
<<Buy MP3!>>
| <<Buy CD!>>
Diverje: Time Is the Enemy <<Buy MP3!>> US/NM
The Dreamside: Forsaken <<Buy MP3!>> NL
enc0der: Darkness <<Buy MP3!>> US/NC
Eurocide: Vault 13 (Wombtrooper Mix) <<Buy MP3!>> DE
I:Scintilla: Fidelidad (Estrogen Mix) <<Buy MP3!>> US/IL
IllegalTeenageBikini: Oklahoma City Ballroom <<Buy MP3!>> US/FL
kHz: It's Yours <<Buy MP3!>> US/NY
The Last Dance: Wonderlust (Idiot Stare Mix) <<Buy MP3!>> US/CA
Lexincrypt: Sleepwalker <<Buy MP3!>> US/WA
Lifeblud: Soul <<Buy MP3!>> ZA
Lunascape: Carolyn <<Buy MP3!>> BE
manGod: Suicide Alley <<Buy MP3!>> US/FL
Mercurine: Semi4 (New Mix) <<Buy MP3!>> US/CA
Out Out: Duchess (New Mix) <<Buy MP3!>> US/MA
Paralysed Age: Bittersweet (Berenice, Part 2) <<Buy MP3!>> DE
Queen Mary: Feeding the Disguise <<Buy MP3!>> US/FL
Red 7 Fury: Comatose <<Buy MP3!>> US/NJ
Uninvited Guest: Cross My Heart <<Buy MP3!>> UK
Velvetron: Control Freak <<Buy MP3!>> IE
Veronique Diabolique: Une Torche pour Orphee
<<Buy MP3!>>
X-VorteX: The Unsaid (Remix) <<Buy MP3!>> US/FL
Zeitgeist Zero: Tombstone Tourist <<Buy MP3!>> UK
(Each link will take you to the band's page on the RFA digital download service. A link to their homepage can be found there.)  
Download MP3s from Dance Planet X
Download MP3s from Aghast View
Download MP3s from Lexincrypt
Download MP3s from Diverje
Download MP3s from Queen Mary
Download MP3s from Uninvited Guest
Download MP3s from Zeitgeist Zero
Download MP3s from I:Scintilla

If you contact any band after first hearing them on RFA,
please let them know where you found them!

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